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NOTE: I am having issues with my mobile website for this page. Please use the desktop version if you have trouble downloading the patterns.

ghost - ritual night out
Cross Stitch Pattern
All Hail Ghost!
Pattern requested by Shyla.
There is a Papa III pattern further down as well :)
The stitched image is 72w x 73h stitches. This pattern uses full stitches only.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 5.14 inches wide by 5.21 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

blood moon
Cross Stitch Pattern
Full moons naturally bring our shadow self out to play. All the thoughts and feelings tucked tightly away in your subconscious float to the surface, and everyone becomes a little more volatile, sensitive and emotional. Combine this with the longest eclipse of the century and we're in for a powerful night! This lunation doesn't simply change your mind, it changes your whole world. No matter how strong your feelings may be, take comfort in knowing this is a crash you were meant to survive. It's a renewal of self meant to cleanse and gain perspective, and I don't know about you....but I need it.
Rise witch sisters!
★The stitched image is 86w x 101h stitches. This pattern uses full stitches only.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 6.14 inches wide by 7.21 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

pumpkin spice
Cross Stitch Pattern
In memory of Anthony B. I created this free cross stitch pattern of quite possibly the best thing that ever came out of his brilliant mind...in my opinion anyways.
★The stitched image is 86w x 73h stitches. This pattern uses full stitches, and backstitching on the pumpkins.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 6.14 inches wide by 5.21 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

welcome campers
Cross Stitch Pattern
Welcome Campers feat. the one and only Jason Voorhees!
★The stitched image is 90w x 90h stitches. This pattern uses full stitches only.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 6.43 inches wide by 6.43 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

papa emeritus - ghost
Cross Stitch Pattern
As you stitch to the sound of the monstrance clock. My homage to one of my favorite bands GHOST!
★The stitched image is 76w x 126h stitches. This pattern uses full stitches only.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 5.43 inches wide by 9 inches
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

hail satan
Cross Stitch Pattern
Inspired by a quick bathroom decor request for a friend whose uptight MIL was coming to visit. Witchy Stitcher to the rescue!
The stitched image is 44w x 43h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 3.14 inches wide by 3.07 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

sad pumpkin
Cross Stitch Pattern
Why is he so sad? Maybe it hurts getting carved....or maybe he's sad that Christmas decorations are arriving way too soon....
The stitched image is 70w x 81h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 5 inches wide by 5.79 inches high.
★If you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me.

majestic Albert
Meet Albert
My Mom loves to antique and thrift and came across this painting a few years ago. She’s basically obsessed with it and shows everyone who comes to her house. She has these huge bay windows at the front of her home and who is front and center on the main wall for all to see... in all his majestic glory? Why Albert of course.
I shared this WIP in The Witchy Stitcher fabecook group, and quickly he became famous. So please if you choose to stitch him send me a photo, it will my my Mom's day!! She is OVER THE MOON with his celebrity.
Also my Mom (Margaret) makes AMAZING THINGS. Check out her Etsy shop:
The stitched image is 100w x 84h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 7.14 inches wide by 6.00 inches high.

safe space - happy pride month!
Cross Stitch Pattern
I created this patern to hang on the door of our haunted home, and decided to share it with you! At The Witchy Stitcher we ferociously support LGBTQ+ and will always be a safe space. Love wins.
The stitched image is 67w by 61h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 4.79 inches wide by 4.36 inches high.

haunted tiered cake
It has been four SPOOKTACULAR years since The Witchy Stitcher was created on New Years Eve in 2017. What an amazing time it has been and I look forward to all the things climbing out of our graves for the next year and beyond! Thank you so much for making this my reality and for all of your love. I appreciate every single one of you and not a single day goes by that I am not grateful to the spooky stitching community. Be still my black heart.
Celebrate with us and craft up this free charming spooky cake pattern! Tag your finishes with #witchystitcherbirthdaystitch
The stitched image is 47w by 117h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 3.36 inches wide by 8.36 inches high.

lily and herman munster
FIVE YEARS? I guess that means another birthday freebie...this charming Munsters inspired pattern featuring Lily & Herman Munster.
We are still alive and kicking (even with our arthritis)... Next? Total world domination? Probably not, but I can see many more spooky stitches in your future! Thank you for staying with me bats, I adore you to bits.
Celebrate with us and craft up this free Munsters pattern! Tag your finishes with #witchystitcherbirthdaystitch
The stitched image is 39w by 75h stitches.
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 2.79 inches wide by 5.36 inches high.

spooky birthday cupcakes
6 FREAKING YEARS! I can hardly believe it! ​
It has been an amazing journey so far, and I am so excited for what the future brings. My hibernation continues for a bit longer while I deal with some health issues, but I will say there are some big plans for 2024 into 2025! I can't wait to share my secrets with you.
Celebrate with us and craft up this free Munsters pattern! Tag your finishes with #witchystitcherbirthdaystitch
The stitched images are no larger 43x46
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is under 3.5 inches per cupcake

nostalgic tarot frame
The gigantic godzilla-esque frame to fit all 22 of the Nostalgic Tarot cards.
Use the hashtag #witchystitchernotasal
The stitched image is a startling 464 x 525 — this is NOT a typo.
It is massive and was honestly made as a bit of a joke for a few people. Turns out there are many that are taking on this neon beast!

Ghosts Of The Eras Tour
7th Witchy Stitcher Birthday Freebie!
As another year draws to a close I also celebrate the biggest milestone of The Witchy Stitcher-verse....my birthday! Today on a frosty Canadian New Years Eve in 2017 my baby bat was born. For the past few years I have always done a free pattern, and this year is no different! Inspired by the excitement of Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour being a thing, and the sadness of it being over I have made a 'Ghosts Of The Eras Tour' pattern with little terrors representing each era. Little spirits remaining of the ✨magic ✨and the iconic tour that took over the world for nearly 2 years.
The stitched images are no larger 91x123 (let's go bitch)
★Finished stitch size on 14 aida is 6.5in wide by 8.79in high.