A Stitch Along (or SAL) is a group of stitchers working on the same project/pattern together. This can either be of a theme or with a special design set up to be stitched in sequence. Here we do mystery stitchalongs where you don't get to see the end result till you are DONE! It's a blast an a fabulous community grown out of it from our first SAL ~ The Universal Monster SAL.
The pattern for the SAL will be in the shop on the release date. Upon purchase you will receive VIP access to a secret hideout on my website. On pattern release days the files will be uploaded there as well as emailed to you.
Doesn't matter! You stitch at whatever pace you can, you finish it when you finish it. There is meant to be NO STRESS!! Just have fun and enjoy the ride!
No public SALs planned for 2023. Small SAL on Patreon late 2023.
Next public SAL early 2024!

The Nostalgic Tarot is technically not a stitch along, but due to immense interest I am putting the information here so it is easier for everyone to obtain! This project sort of just happened on my Patreon and took on a life of its own. I released 'Death' and 'The Lovers' in February of this year and there were lots of folks wondering if there would be a full card set, backing card design, frame, and so on. It slowly grew and took on a larger form than I had planned for. This has been a serendipitous event we all stumbled into! 🛸
My reasoning for doing it this way is I want it to be a relaxed project for folks. No stress! I am not ready for a stressful project like that either. LOL!
There will be all 22 major arcana as well as a back design for those who want to make useable cards.
Cards are released bi-monthly 2 at a time on Patreon. One at the beginning of the month and the second mid-month. Cards are up for the month they are released and then go to the Patreon shop at a discounted price. After 3 months in the Patreon shop they will be become publicly available on my website and Etsy.
Example: 'Death' and 'The Lovers' original release month February 2024, moved to Patreon Shop March 2024, public release June 2024. Rinse, repeat.
International Users: If you use the website version of Patreon, international users can access the shop, but the app has issues doing so. Hopefully this works for you.
There is no master colour key as it is not a pre-planned stitchalong. I am designing them as we go along, since it is an evolving and changing work in progress I don't want to be stuck with palette limitations. Imagine the horror of being short a rainbow chunder colour! THE HORROR! 🌈🤮
I do have each card skeleton planned out but not the colours.
The frame is always available on Patreon. You can find the frame in the “Always Available Patterns” collection on Patreon. You can also download from the freebies section here on the website, or from the button below.
The stitch count of this gigantic frame is: 464 x 525 — this is NOT a typo.
Please consult a Cross Stitch Calculator and make sure you add in border space of 3-5 inches per side to determine the size you will need in your favourite count of fabric. For example, in 14ct Aida, the pieces I sell are 44x48” so you can have a 5” border around the entire frame.
There are sample calculations on the Frame pattern PDF.
You absolutely do not have to stitch this entire beast, many folks are stitching the cards as standalone pieces and choosing to only do their favourites or the full set.
There is a guide for where to place your cards within the Frame pattern.
As PK is third party software I cannot guarantee my patterns (all of them) will work with this software. I try my best to set up the patterns for success but sometimes there are issues. Truthfully I don't even have a PK compatible device to check my patterns and their designer support is um....not great.
The beast of a frame will likely give you trouble when using PK. Due to its immense size I had to actually hack my design program to even make the pattern. So making a single page version of the frame just isn't possible. It is too much information for my program to handle. Thousands of teeny tiny boxes!
Card patterns - my best advice is to use the single page chart when uploading to PK. There are many only PDF editors that will allow you to delete pages so you can bring in a more PK suitable version. Adobe PDF will also easily do this.
Here is a great free site that allows you to either work online or download a desktop app.
-- 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜--
And that about wraps it up (maybe)! Thank you for joining me on this surprising adventure! Now go add some spooky colour to the world bats! 🌈🦇
The Witchy Stitcher

Vampires, Werewolves and Witches oh my!
They Cryptid SAL has a sister…and it’s just as spooky!
*~ Supernatural ~*
su-per-nat-u-ral / sü-pər-ˈna-chə-rəl
1. Not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material.
“supernatural forces and occurrences and beings.”
The Supernatural SAL features 16 of these creatures, hand-picked by The Witchy Stitcher and her secret team. The creatures mostly resemble humanoid form...though a few furry creatures snuck into the party.
Cryptozoology is the study of creatures whose existence has yet to be—or else cannot entirely be—proved or disproved by science. These creatures, known collectively as cryptids, include examples like the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and the Himalayan Yeti, yet these famous cases are by no means the only ones on record. In fact, practically every country and corner of the globe has its own legendary monster or mystery creature that dwells there.
The Cryptid SAL features 16 of these creatures, hand-picked by The Witchy Stitcher and her secret team. This SAL ran from August 2021 until January 2022 and is now complete. Scroll down to download the info sheet and purchase the pattern!
This SAL even comes with its very own cryptid mascot...The Cone of Doom!
The Story of the Cone of Doom
It is no secret that I call for ALOT of DMC 310 in my patterns, especially my SALs! There has been a running joke that you need a cone of DMC 310 in order to work on my pattern library. The giant ball of thread has been lovingly named...'The Cone of Doom'
Cone of Doom Shirts and Stickers also available!
Official hashtag:

The second Witchy Stitcher SAL was from Nov 2019 till April 2020 and was a BLAST!
How do slashers pay for their hatchets, chainsaws and various other torture devices?
Well...they have day jobs at the Chopping Mall of course.
Take a glimpse into the day in the life of these mundane monsters, and
get ready to clock in at the office with Mr. Voorhees.
Official hashtag:
The first Witchy Stitcher SAL was in April 2019 and was a overwhelming success! We had so much fun working on the
pattern together. There were so many fun and creative interpretations of the SAL!
The pattern is still available to purchase if you wish to make your own Monster Mansion.
Official hashtag:
One of the best parts of a stitch along is the social aspect. During the Universal Monster SAL we created:
It has turned into a wonderful coven full of kind, caring, funny, and mega crafty stitch witches!
This group is not limited to the SALs, or even just cross stitch.
Let your freak flag fly sweeties!